“The Jury” Did you watch the TV programme “The Jury”? Did you find yourself shouting at the TV? How did it make you feel? Were you dismayed? Did it leave you with a sense of foreboding; thinking there must a better option? Well it got me thinking about what perceptions may be in light...
Tag: thoughts
No ‘happily ever after’ for Disney owned firm over Harrison Ford injuries
Here at Ferguson Legal, we often report on #besafe and the importance of complying with health and safety, but the latest high profile case to bring this theory into reality is that of Harrison Ford on the set on Star Wars – The Force Awakens. The unfortunate title of the film allows for many...
Savvy sister site has arrived in style
From the outset it was always the ambition of Carole Ferguson, Managing Director of Ferguson Legal to showcase the fun and savvy side of the world of law, with a new, fresh and innovative approach giving a tongue and cheek style to hard hitting stories allowing everyone to relate which may have otherwise not...